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Startseite » Norwegen » Oslo 
Interessante Links

Singapur 88
Kolumbien 103
Brasilien 12
China 191
Costa Rica 190
Deutschland 297
El Salvador 215
Frankreich 70
Griechenland 235
Großbritanien 189
Indonesien 368
Japan 55
Litauen 13
Malaysia 253
Niederlande 61
Norwegen 91
Bergen 32
Oslo 29
Mountains near Oslo 30
Philippinen 414
Russland 190
Spanien 278
Südafrika 120
Thailand 194
Tunesien 359
USA 215
Ukraine 188


Oslo is the oldest of the Scandinavian capital cities, founded, according to the Norse chronicler Snore Stralsund, around 1048 by Herald Hardråde. Today's city centre is largely the work of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, an era reflected in the wide streets, dignified parks and gardens, solid buildings and long, consciously classical vistas, which combine to lend it a self-satisfied, respectable air Oslo Ferries dock at Vippetangen quays which is a 15 minute walk south of Oslo S. The Oslo ferry port terminal is operated by Steno Line, Colour Line and DFDS Seaways.

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